What are some psychological tricks to improve decision making?

Introduction: Effective decision making is crucial in both personal and professional spheres. By harnessing psychological insights, individuals can refine their decision-making processes, leading to better outcomes and increased satisfaction. Below are some powerful psychological tricks to improve decision making.

Utilize the Power of Constraints:

Setting constraints can streamline decision making by narrowing down options. By defining specific criteria or limitations, individuals can focus their attention on viable choices, reducing decision fatigue and analysis paralysis.

Embrace the Power of Perspective Taking:

Engaging in perspective taking involves stepping into the shoes of others to understand their viewpoints. By considering different perspectives, individuals can gain valuable insights and make more informed decisions, fostering empathy and enhancing problem-solving abilities.

Employ the “Five Whys” Technique:

The “Five Whys” technique involves asking “why” repeatedly to uncover the root cause of a problem or decision. By delving deeper into underlying factors, individuals can address issues at their core, leading to more effective solutions and informed decision making.

Practice Mindfulness and Cognitive Flexibility:

Mindfulness practices cultivate present-moment awareness and cognitive flexibility, enabling individuals to approach decision making with clarity and openness. By staying mindful of thoughts and emotions, individuals can make decisions aligned with their values and goals, minimizing impulsivity and irrationality.

Implement the “10-10-10 Rule”:

The “10-10-10 Rule” involves considering the consequences of a decision in the short term, medium term, and long term. By evaluating potential outcomes across different time frames, individuals can make decisions that align with their priorities and values, promoting long-term satisfaction and well-being.

Harness the Power of Visualization:

Visualization techniques involve mentally rehearsing potential outcomes and scenarios. By visualizing different possibilities, individuals can anticipate challenges, clarify objectives, and make decisions with confidence, enhancing their sense of control and efficacy.

Use the “Ostrich Effect” to Overcome Procrastination:

The “Ostrich Effect” refers to the tendency to avoid unpleasant tasks or decisions. By acknowledging and addressing discomfort head-on, individuals can overcome procrastination and make timely, proactive decisions, fostering a sense of empowerment and accomplishment.

Leverage the “Peak-End Rule” for Memory Enhancement:

The “Peak-End Rule” suggests that people’s memories of past experiences are heavily influenced by their peak moments and how those experiences end. By optimizing key moments and endings, individuals can shape perceptions and enhance decision-making experiences, promoting satisfaction and positive outcomes.


Incorporating these psychological tricks into your decision-making repertoire can lead to more effective and satisfying outcomes. By embracing constraints, perspective taking, mindfulness, and other strategies, individuals can navigate complex decisions with confidence and clarity, empowering themselves to thrive in various domains of life.

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